Tuesday 31 July 2007


Hi all, sorry that this has trickled down to such an irregular update. God, 14th June was the last I wrote!

Now I assure you I've not become a single mother of sorts. I'm still me, single as ever, still having difficulties parallel parking and slotting cash cards into the machines. Still asking people for directions, still occassionally having my ass groped (and loving it) by hot guys at the clubs.
Still trying very hard to get an orgasm...

I'm really quite pitiful when it comes to dating. Asian men lack alot of confidence, wit and humour. And they are even dumber than me! I'm like, HELLO~, you think being bimbotic is entirely an accident? God made me built for the runway just so that I could use less of my brains!

I really should stop dating Cheena Chings. Chinese ed men are like half a step slower off the blocks than everyone else. I mean, my Mandarin is bad enough but if you are going to be dating me, at least go google on what is 'going dutch'. This guy totally made me want to strangle him with my stockings. Not erotically but like REALLY try to kill him strangle.

He offered to pay for my food and I told him, "it's okay, we go dutch" and that moron said,

"its okay we eat that food next time. I never try before also."


"dutch food? you want right?"

HELP ME PLEASE! Why do I always get to meet the dumb men, or the boring one.. or the ones that absolutely kiss badly!