Friday, 18 January 2008

I'm Back!!

I'm not sure if anyone really cares, but I'm back!

I just lost another man in my life, I've just gotten back from Hong Kong and I've got a new job. That should be a good enough excuse for anyone I'm sure. All that drama over a breakup that I never really wanted and he wanted, then I got tired and he wanted back in. I think my life is linked to the Hong Kong serials.

It's been an emotional rollercoaster and I'm like totally drained. All that nonsense of 'trust in love is all we need', I'm starting to see why the strong women are all career driven. It's because you know your work will never cheat on you behind your back with some slut of a KTV whore.

Wow, I feel better already, even if that was too much information for you to digest. Okay, I shan't be all angsty and bitchy on my first post of this new year. The new year party we had was so crazy that I think half of Jordan heard us laughing.

We had it at MrT's place and it was this dodgy place with water puddles that just totally did not go well with my Blahniks. It was a bachelor pad down to the decor. The ashtray was a shape of a woman's cunt and his stash of adult entertainment paraded with the latest Hollywood produce. He told me he had something good for me, pointing to this little saucer with a multi coloured pills that looked like M&Ns.

He said, "You're gonna get high on this, cupcake."

and I said, "Do you have champagne instead? I get really high really fast with champagne."